Friday, January 28, 2011

More is Less, Less is More

This theory is actually hard to explain without any images. As the example being use in this post is laptop. Before looking at the picture below, a laptop that almost everyone could think of or refer to is in black color, thick and heavy. That is what we can see in the market as well.
However, the picture being shown above is different from what we can think of and imagine of. The appearance of the laptop is nicer. Almost everything is improving by its form as well as its performance.

More is less, less is more can be explain by its own design. Referring back to the picture above, the screen of the laptop is transparent and thin. It can produce better image quality that a normal laptop. Hence, the screen is more in its quality and lesser in its usage of material because the screen is thinner.

It is often used in the design todays because people prefer more simple yet unique designs.

Forms follow Functions or Functions follow Forms

Forms is usually refers to the physical appearance of a particular objects.
Functions is refers to the usage of the objects.

In the architecture especially, the buildings being build is often referring to its form or functions. What it means is that, sometimes the building is build according to the design they think they want to without focus on the functions. For instance, Malaysia Petronas Twin Tower, KLCC is build according to the function but not the forms. The function of KLCC is actually a telecommunication centre. That is the reason it being built.

Therefore, The title of this blog, 'Forms follow Functions or Functions follow Forms' is actually based on how the designers want it to be. Besides architecture, it is being used in poster designs or any other form of designs as well.

However, sometimes the forms and functions come together in the design as well. For example is this blog, besides its function for the bloggers to updates their post, they can actually design the appearance of the blog according to how the blogger want it to be.

For the conclusion, forms follow functions or functions follow forms is actually depends on the situation and the designers.